Tailor a plan to take knowledge sharing across the organization

Catalynk can assist with KCS and Intelligent Swarming programs from start to maturity. Our experts help with designing your program, workflow integrations, coach selection, onsite or virtual training and on-call support, tailored to fit your organisation and its goals.

KCS v6 Aligned Services Recognised by the Consortium For Service Innovation

KCS v6 Aligned Services

CATALYNK is proud to be recognised by the Consortium For Service Innovation as an Aligned Service provider.

KCS v6 Aligned Services support KCS adoption and success.  

CATALYNK offers a full suite of KCS Adoption Services. See our tailored plans below.

Our tailored plans help improve

Knowledge Structure

Knowledge that helps service delivery, needs to be ‘served up’ at key touch points throughout the service delivery process. To create and use knowledge ‘in the moment’, forms, processes, workflows, privileges and knowledge base structures are needed.

We aim to get the best from your tool-sets, and help your teams design and manage the workflow, eliminate duplication, and integrate multiple knowledge sources for simplified search.

Customer Experience

Is your customer experience seamless?

Do your customers quickly find the information they need?

Better self-service means your customers find the answers they need faster, leading to a positive customer experience and greater loyalty.

CATALYNK integrates knowledge best practices company-wide to ensure your customers are empowered to get the information they need, quickly.

Knowledge Analytics

Stakeholders need to know the benefits of ‘knowledge for service’. Your teams need to focus on delivering what the business cares about by selecting key outcomes that align with business goals.

As part of our KCS consultation, we help build the capabilities in teams to design dashboards, coach, and monitor progress to achieve goals that result in your desired outcomes.

Tailored Workshops

Tailored Solutions to Implement KCS into your Organisation

We offer private workshops off-site, in-house, and virtually. These are tailored to your company’s strategic goals, environment, customers, and service demand.

As part of our workshop follow-up, we offer attendees access to additional resources through our KCS consultation hub.

Contact us to discuss how we can help tailor your knowledge training.

All of our workshops may be tailored for groups:

  • KCS Leadership Workshop
  • KCS v6 Overview Workshop
  • KCS v6 Practices Workshop
  • The Knowledge Coach Workshop
  • KCS Adoption Workshop
  • KCS Design Workshop
  • KCS Knowledge Domain Analysis Workshop
  • Intelligent Swarming Insights Workshop
  • Intelligent Swarming Design Workshop

Have questions about our consulting services or tailored workshops?

Contact our friendly team today


Catalynk’s Starter Plan ensures you have the details needed to begin planning your KCS Program. We’ll conduct an assessment that may include a survey or interviews to determine your current state. We’ll provide the results in a report with a suggested action plan with option to present the plan to your management team. 

Start with a no obligation call to discuss your knowledge needs and our approach. If you’d like to proceed, we’ll quote with timing and pricing for the Starter Plan, including KCS opportunity assessment and action plan.

Starter Plan:
No obligation 30 minute call or meeting with optional quote for:

  • KCS Opportunity Assessment 
  • Report with proposed Action Plan
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Catalynk’s Discovery Plan sets a strategy, prepares your baseline data and knowledge assets and engages Leadership in establishing the vision, goals and objectives for the future KCS Program. 

We’ll review your current state assessment and while discussing your next steps. We will begin with a 30 minute call to ensure we have details needed. Your quote for Discovery will provide the outline of the program and options for a best approach. We’ll provide a no obligation quote outlining our recommended approach to Discovery. 

Discovery plan:
No obligation 30 minute call or meeting with optional quote for defining your knowledge program:

  • Strategy, goals and objectives 
  • Current knowledge asset assessment
  • Proposed Leadership engagement program
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Preparation and Design

Catalynk’s Preparation and Design Plan ensures you are prepared for design. Your KCS program training is important to the success of your KCS adoption program. We’ll assist identifying the training needed in advance of your Design Workshop. Recommendations may include: Leadership Overview Workshop and KCS v6 Practices Workshop and Certification exam. 

To understand your group, the stage of your program and to enable us to outline a plan we’ll start with a no obligation 1 hour call or meeting. Following the meeting if you’d like us to proceed, we’ll outline our services and quote with recommendations and suggested timing and pricing.

Preparation and Design Plan:
No obligation 1-hour call or meeting with optional quote for:

  • Preparation services for Design
  • Recommended Training, Facilitation of Workshops
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Adoption Planning

Catalynk’s Adoption Planning Plan provides a broad range of options to assist you with developing the underlying structures and systems needed for successful KCS adoption.  We work with your teams to develop an adoption plan that may include: planning for selection and establishment of the KCS Council, KCS program phases planning, program role capability development, administration of workshops and certifications, Collaboration Health analysis, Coach program administration, KCS Solve and Evolve Loop reporting, assessment and design of process workflows, role and permission workflows, application configuration, and a change management approach.

To best identify your immediate and long term adoption needs we will arrange a no obligation call and suggest our approach. If you’d like to proceed, we’ll quote with timing and pricing for our  Adoption Planning services.

Adoption Planning Plan
No obligation 1-hour call or meeting with optional quote for:

  • KCS Adoption Planning
  • Proposed Action Plan
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KCS Coach Development Plan

Catalynk’s KCS Coach Development Plan provides the  assessment of your group’s collaboration with a focus in identifying and developing KCS Coach capabilities. During this call we’ll explain the survey and Organization Network Analysis (ONA) that enables you to have a view of group and individual collaboration indicators. We’ll explain our approach to the analysis and show you example charts and reports. We’ll need to understand some basics about your goals and the stage of your program before making recommendations and outlining options.

We’ll then provide a no obligation quote with suggested timing and pricing for your KCS Coach Development Plan.

Coach Development Plan:
No obligation 1-hour call or meeting with optional quote for:

  • Survey and Organization Network Analysis
  • Coach Development Plan
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KCS Trainer Certification

Catalynk’s KCS Trainer Certification Plan ensures you have the details needed to become a KCS Certified Trainer. 

Start with a no obligation call or meeting to discuss your needs and what we can offer to assist you with your goals. We’ll discuss our services and options for working with a CATALYNK Certified Trainer to co-teach a KCS v6 Practices Workshop and to prepare you for the KCS Trainer Certification exam.  If you’d like to proceed, we’ll provide a no obligation quote for the recommended plan with suggested timing and pricing.

KCS Trainer Certification Plan:
No obligation 30 minute call or meeting with optional quote for:

  • KCS Certified Trainer co-teach and coaching
  • KCS Trainer Certification exam preparation
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